Google Cloud
Data Protection, the Google Cloud Way
In collaboration with T Brand Studio and Google Cloud, a series of print pages in the New York Times newspaper and Flex Ad Posts units on were designed to bring awareness to the benefits of Google Cloud security.

The concept for this paid post is to follow a piece of data, through the layers of digital and physical security that comprise Google Cloud. We’re looking at various touch points of Google’s security infrastructure blown apart in an M. C. Escher-esque way.


Art Direction
The goal of the visual strategy is to develop illustrations in line with the New York Times tradition of editorial illustration. The program utalizes conceptual illustration that feels playful and minimal. Vector-based illustration highlight key moments in the narrarive story while at the same time visualzing Google Cloud’s cyber-security.

Custom comissioned animated illustrations feel like a mixture between digital and organic. The connective tissue between these various touchpoints is Google Fiber which we depict flowing in and through each area. The visual motif of the series plays with digital pixelation. 

Design Direction
The color palette features the monotone color parings from a bold palette. The font pairing will include a headline set in Poppins, a smooth sans-serif typeface with quirky geometric characters. In contrast, the body will be set in fun-loving Zilla Slab.

Client: Google Cloud     Project: Data Protection, the Google Cloud Way      Art Direction: Nicole Marie Rincon, Nicholas Garber    Designers: Laura Toffolo, Nicholas Garber    Illustrators: Wyatt Carroll, Giacomo Gambineri    Editor: Esther Haynes