Work Happier
Are you happy back at work? Have the return-to-office blues got you down?

Coming off the back of a pandemic and feeling the grind, HP wanted to partner with T Brand to report on the wellbeing of home-office workers. We gathered survey data with the help of Morning Consult to understand sentiment from respondants regarding their experience working remotely and being called back to the office.

We used a combination of smiley face and data oriented visuals to convey feelings and relay survey data in an interactive report which allows readers to find out how HP can help them work happier. Consequently it also allows readers an opportunity to reflect on how they fit into the survey findings.



Concepts and work in progress
We took a freeform approach and cast a wide net when approaching this topic. The team felt it would be too easy to fall into tropes or clichés when depicting a topic which affects most of us personally and which has been covered ad-nauseum. HP were game to hear us out, and we had fun exploring the theme and learning some interesting history along the way.

We were interested in expressing the feeling and emotion of being torn away from your comfy bubble of work at home bliss, while acknowledging that that luxury traumatized some of us. In a moodboard of contrasting imagery we traced office culture to it’s roots and capturing some eerie images which just “feel true” to our own relationships with work. Ultimately we landed on the smiley face, as depicted via a pixel art concept which served a a conduit for narrative interpretation – threading a needle between both positive and negative reactions to the survey.

Client: HP    Project: Work Happy  Editor: Angela Wang    Creative Director: Rachel Birnbaum    Art Direction: Kris Taifalos, Ellie Friedman, Nicholas Garber    Web Design: Nicholas Garber    Generative Art: Tameem Sankari